
It’s Never Too Late


I love biographies. Real stories from real people intrigue and inspire me. Recently, I was scrolling through Youtube when a video showed up on my feed that made me curious. It seemed so random since I had never searched for this. The short video was an interview with none other than the legendary founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Harland Sanders, aka Colonel Sanders.

The Colonel did not get any real financial success until he was well into his sixties. He experienced many business failures before he achieved any great triumphs. Colonel Sanders shared that his ship came later in life, and maybe your ship hasn’t come in yet, but it will. What stood out the most to me, as I watched the Colonel’s interview, was his faith.

Harland Sanders placed his faith in Jesus Christ at seventy-seven years old. He shared with his wife that he “wanted to make peace with his maker”. Harland had achieved great wealth yet knew something was missing in his life. He was raised in a strong Christian home, and had been taught the truth from day one, but he went his own way for many years.

Harland was a hard man, who cussed like a sailor. He was known to get into some fist fights. Everything changed when he said yes to Jesus. Not a perfect man, but a follower of Christ, committed to doing good works with his money.

It’s never too late, until it is.

We are not promised tomorrow. We have right now. Our brief lives will end one of these days. Colonel Sanders got saved at seventy-seven. You might think you are too old, and too far gone to choose Jesus, you’re not. You might think that you have plenty of time to place your faith in Jesus. Don’t put it off another day, because you may not have another day. 

Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring—what your life will be! For you are like vapor that appears for a little while, then vanishes. James 4:14, CSB

Honestly, getting saved is more than just hell insurance. You will never be the same. You will live a more abundant life, not with more stuff and money, but with peace, joy, and hope. You will have God’s Holy Spirit living inside of you. You will have a relationship with Jesus Christ. You will have full access to Father God. I could go on and on. 

It’s never too late to choose Jesus.

If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation.

Romans 10:9-10, CSB 



Love you all,




Photo credit: Meghan E. White 



Prepping for a Storm


Icy conditions are on the way to Southeast Texas. At least that is what we are being told to prepare for. It’s unusual for us to get freezing temps. When the weather gets colder than normal this time of year, we have to prepare. I can’t help but have horrible flashbacks to last year’s historic storm.  Read about it here It’s Been a Crazy Week in the Great State of Texas

How do you prepare for a storm? It depends on the type of storm. For ice and snow storms, pipes and spigots need protected, plants need brought in, pets kept inside. You have to make sure there are flashlights, plenty of water, and some canned food in case the power goes out. Some people here have generators, but those are not fail proof. Last year many generators stopped working because the lines froze.

We can prepare in every possible way for a storm, and still take on damage. It’s the same in life. The storms will come, guaranteed. We can and should prepare for the storms in our lives to the best of our ability, and resources. We have no control on how long they will last or the havoc they will bring. And there are plenty of storms that we never saw coming. There was no time to prep.

How do you prepare for storms in your life? For the coming storm on the horizon and the unseen ones. Jesus is the only answer. He is the answer to everything. Jesus is the anchor in our storms. We pray. We ask others to pray. We read God’s word, the Bible. We have faith in Jesus. We cry out to Him when the waters rise and we are afraid. We trust in the One who is our anchor in the storm. He is faithful to see us through the storm.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain. Hebrews 6:19, CSB 

Maybe you are in the middle of a storm, and you are being bombarded with troubles. All you see are grey skies, and wave after wave keeps crashing over you. Please hold on to Jesus. He is holding on to you. I know it’s hard, and scary, and painful. You will make it. God loves you so much, and He is working all things out for good. God wastes nothing, even our storms.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28, NASB 

I am going outside in a minute to bring in our tropical potted plants, and cover our spigots. I’m going to do what I can, and then leave the rest in God’s hands. I pray you do the same today my friend. God bless and keep you.

Love you all,


Father God,

You are awesome God. You are our provider. Please protect every person who is in the middle of life’s storms. Comfort, provide, and help them. Give them peace, and Your incredible presence. Calm them, and their storms. Answer their cries for help. Wrap Your arms around them and make a way right through the storm. We love You and praise You!

In Jesus name,


Joey Flynn's Extraordinary Tale

Book Review! —

Welcome back to… arielaonthego! It means that I am officially off hiatus! School is over and I’m going for a summer vacation. Yay! Today I’m going to be reviewing the book by Meghan E. White, Joey Flynn’s Extraordinary Tale. You can purchase this book on Ms. Meghan very kindly sent me a free copy […]

Book Review! —


The Narrow Path

person waking on hill
Photo by Krivec Ales on

We wanted to hike to the top of Diamond Head on our Hawaiian vacation. Our itinerary was filled with snorkeling, kayaking, and sight seeing. Hiking to the top of an iconic volcanic crater was a must. The path started out at the ground level smooth, paved and relaxing. Within minutes the path began to curve and wind. No longer paved, it became rocky and uneven.

The trail was not super difficult, yet not super easy either. I had to pay attention since there were numerous switchbacks along the way. There’s a large steep staircase that brings you up 560 feet. I had to stop and catch my breath after climbing those steps.

After climbing another set of stairs there is a 225 foot long tunnel. I am not a fan of enclosed dark spaces. There was no way around the tunnel. I had to go through it to continue on my journey to the top. Once we made it through the creepy dark tunnel it felt like a small victory.

There are several look out points where you can take a break and enjoy the view. When Tom and I finally reached the top it was all worth it. The views were stunning. We could see Waikiki Beach, and downtown Honolulu. Everywhere we looked was absolutely gorgeous. The beautiful blue Pacific Ocean looked like it had no end. Taking the narrow path was worth it.

Following Jesus is the narrow path.

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matthew 7:13-14, NIV

Jesus is the only way to the Father. “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6, NIV). Following Him is not the easy road. The narrow road can be treacherous, steep, and winding. To stay on the narrow path we must fix our eyes on Jesus. He is leading the way and we must follow.

There are dark tunnels and the only way through them is to trust where He is taking you, even when you cannot see. Jesus will get you to the other side of that darkness. And when you are tired and cannot take another step He will pick you up and carry you.

When you are afraid as you look at the steep drop-offs, He will comfort you, and reassure you that you can in fact make it. The only way to get through the narrow path is with Jesus.

Our faith is tested on the narrow path. We must humble ourselves, lay down our pride, take up our cross and follow Him. The longer we are on the narrow path the more we become like Jesus. Little by little, step by step.

There are blessings along the narrow path, provision, and beauty. The narrow path leads to life. Jesus is life. Our time here on Earth is brief and it will come to an end. Those who have placed their faith in Jesus will be in Heaven with Him forever.

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:2-3, NIV

The Broad path leads to destruction.

The road to destruction is wide. There are plenty of people on this path. This road is all about self, and making our own way. Doing our own thing. We have no need for Christ on the broad road.

This wide open path is easy, effortless. There is no thought of the narrow path here. Do what you want. Make your own way. It’s difficult to wander off the wide path. There’s plenty of space to do absolutely anything you want without much consequence.

The way of the broad path is not a happy one. Destruction is where it leads which is eternal ruin in Hell. “But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 8:12, NIV)

Jesus is not on the broad path. He is calling us to Him on the narrow road. It’s our choice to make.

I was on the broad path before placing my faith in Jesus Christ. Everything changed once I met Jesus. My eyes were opened to see just how beautiful Jesus is, and how sinful I am. His shed blood saved me and set me free.

Jesus died for all. “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” (1 John 2:2, NIV) But not everyone will place their faith in Christ.

The only path I want to be on is the narrow one because Jesus is there. No matter the difficulties, no matter the hardships, there is no place I’d rather be then with my wonderful Savior. Jesus is life.

Only a few find Jesus.

I think it’s interesting that the island of Oahu averages around 250,000 visitors per day yet only 3000 each day hike to the top of Diamond Head. It’s a great illustration of the ease of the wide path with very few finding the narrow path. Sure, many tourists see Diamond Head and it’s beauty, yet they go right past it not wanting to take that narrow path to the top.

Jesus spoke the words in Matthew 7. He is telling us to choose Him because He is life. What appears to be hundreds of ways to Jesus is a lie. The narrow gate is the only entrance. That means placing your faith in Jesus Christ. All other ways lead to destruction.

There is hope for those on the broad road to destruction. In Matthew 7:7-8 Jesus says to ask, seek, and knock. He is ready and waiting to answer our prayers. Jesus does not want anyone to perish. “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (1 Peter 3:9, NIV)

The narrow path can be lonely and difficult but Jesus is there, and He is leading us home.

Love you all,


If you need prayer please email me at


A Christmas Without Decorations

green pine tree with red fruit
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

My in-laws garage was packed floor to ceiling with our stuff. We moved into their house a few weeks before Christmas that year. They had generously offered for us to stay with them while Tom finished school. I stood there with my two young boys looking at the big pile of boxes that represented our life. Buried in that pile were all of our Christmas decorations. 

There would be no normal Christmas that year. I was sad. I love Christmas. I love the decorations. I love the lights. I love it all. I was looking for something that was familiar in all of the change. Anything that was secure was gone, except for my husband and kids. Christmas and all of the decorations had always brought me so much happiness. That year it was missing.

As much as I wanted to be surrounded with all of my favorite Christmas things, I couldn’t. It wasn’t even possible. I had to come to terms with where my life was at that moment in time. A choice had to be made. I could feel sorry for myself, or I could make the best of the situation. I chose my faith over my feelings.

We bought an inexpensive artificial tree. Dylan, my oldest son, and I made a red and green paper chain for garland. We made ornaments cut from construction paper and covered in glitter. Our very simple tree was beautifully decorated. The boys were happy, and a new memory was made. No, it wasn’t a fancy, perfect, from a magazine kind of tree. It was made with love and a little creativity.

Christmas came and went that year just like it does every year. Though it was not the holiday I had dreamed of, we were all together and that was what mattered the most. I held on to the fact that we would have a normal Christmas again one day. It took a couple of years, but it did happen.

Your Christmas may not look ideal this year. You may be grieving the loss of a loved one, or dealing with illness. Our entire world was turned upside down because of a virus, and nothing has been normal. We can still celebrate the birth of the Savior. He is worthy to celebrate.

Maybe you’ve just got a simple paper chain like I did for your tree. It’s still beautiful. You may have the best of every kind of Christmas decor. Your tree is Instagram worthy, yet you are hurting, or sad, or lonely. Jesus came to save us. He can comfort you in your pain. No matter where you are at in your life. If you call on Jesus He will answer.

The year I had no Christmas decorations God met me in my sadness. God lovingly showed me that He is still there no matter what. It’s not about the decorations. It’s all about Jesus Christ. 

Jesus came into this harsh world as a vulnerable baby. He was born in a feeding trough. Not ideal. Jesus was not born in a palace, or a hospital birthing suite. Jesus was born where animals eat. The King of Kings came to us in the most lowly, humble circumstances. No fancy decorations. Precious Jesus was a tiny baby among animals and dirt. 

The angels rejoiced over Jesus’ birth. 

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,

    and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”   

Luke 2:13-14, NIV 

We can rejoice over Jesus’ birth too. No matter our circumstances. We can choose to focus on Jesus. It’s not always easy, but it is always worth it. Jesus is worth it.

Love you all,
