
Homemade Gummy Bears


Making your own gummy bears is easy! If you’ve got kids around they will love this. Big kids like it too. Even old people like me enjoy these fresh homemade gummy bears. Super simple, a bit messy, and oh so good!

All you need is a small box of Jello, an envelope of clear gelatin, and some water. The only requirement is silicone molds. I found these adorable mini bear molds with droppers on Amazon for under ten dollars. You can also purchase silicone molds at your local craft store in the candy making section.

Homemade gummy bears are refreshing and so flavorful. And they’re just fun. We all need more fun, don’t we? I sure do. I smile every time I make these because a tiny bear that tastes sweet and delicious is about to bring so much joy to my mouth. They are adorable. Cute and sweet. A winning combination.

Happy Eating!

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12


Gummy Bears 

Special equipment: silicone bear molds with dropper

Yield: 125 gummy bears 


3 oz. flavored gelatin

1 envelope of unflavored gelatin (¼ oz)

⅓ cup cold water 

citric acid (optional)


  1. Use a baking sheet and lay out the silicone molds.
  2. In a small microwave safe bowl combine the flavored jello powder, clear jello powder, and  ⅓ cup cold water. Whisk together and let sit for 10 minutes to allow the gelatin to bloom.
  3. Microwave for 30 seconds. Give the mixture a stir, and microwave for another 30 seconds. Stir one more time.
  4. Using a food safe dropper fill each mold with the heated jello mixture. Place the cookie sheets with filled molds in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to set up.
  5. Remove the gummy bears from the molds. Enjoy!


  • For sour gummy bears: add some citric acid to the molds before you fill them, or just stir it into the jello mixture. You can also just sprinkle the citric acid on the gummy bears after they are set up. The acid will break down the gummy bears faster as you store them.
  • Store the gummy bears in the refrigerator. They will last for a few weeks.
  • A measuring cup with a spout can be used to fill the molds if you don’t have a dropper. I highly recommend a dropper. It’s much easier.
  • Silicone molds can be found on Amazon or at any craft store in the candy making section. 
  • The gummy bears can be quite sticky when removing from the molds. 








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