
Christmas Heirlooms


The beautiful glass ornaments were my husband’s grandparents. They are a treasure that we will pass on to our sons. I call this one the satellite because that’s what it looks like to me. It’s one of my favorites, and I always put it at the top of the tree.


I call this one the lemon because of the shape and it’s pale yellow center. It’s exciting each year as I open up the boxes of ornaments and pull out all these incredible heirlooms. Each piece of painted glass is a bit of family history. They remind us that generations before us celebrated the birth of Jesus and we will do the same.


As we carefully unwrap these tiny gifts and place them on our tree we see family. We see love. We see God’s love. His love came down from heaven as a tiny baby to save us. Jesus is the greatest gift to the world, and He is worthy of celebrating. 

Beyond antique ornaments, I hope we have passed on to our children the importance of celebrating Christmas. We purposely made this time of year as positive as we possibly could for our kids. Making those memories with baking cookies to give out to friends and family. Or spending time with family, or counting down to December 25th with Advent calendars. Just our own little traditions to show the importance of taking the time to be joyful about Jesus Christ being born.

We celebrate that hope came into the world and changed everything forever. In all the negativity, and trying to take Christ out of Christmas, we choose Jesus. We will tell others about His amazing grace and perfect love. We will bake the cookies, and watch the silly movies, and sing along to all the Christmas songs. Because we have so much to be grateful for.

I pray that our family’s most prized Christmas heirloom is Jesus Christ. Our family story will continue with the next generation. As they open up the hand painted glass ornaments the love will be passed on. Jesus is the reason for this special season. 

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11 


Merry Christmas!

Love you all,



15 thoughts on “Christmas Heirlooms”

  1. Wow! Those heirlooms are gorgeous! 😍 I love what you say about passing on belief in Jesus and the importance of celebrating His birth, just like a family heirloom. It’s so important to help our children understand the true significance of Christmas in a world that tries to detract and distract from it. Merry Christmas to you, friend!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Passing onto our children most importantly is the reason for celebrating Christmas- so very true.
    Those ornaments are beautiful.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family 😊🌺

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You are so fortunate to have those, Meghan. With all the moves I’ve made through life, I’ve lost all of the ornaments from my mother’s collection. But I’ve started my own and hope that my children will keep them someday. The most important thing for them to keep is the lessons we give them about our Lord. Beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am amazed that the ornaments have lasted through so many years, and people, and moves. It’s a blessing to have these little treasures from Tom’s family. I hope your children will keep your ornaments too.
      Blessings to you, sweet friend.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a blessing to have these beautiful ornaments to pass on. I love celebrating the birth of Jesus. Thank you, Stephanie for your kindness and encouragement. God bless you my friend.


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